Hello, it’s been a really, really long time. Again. It’s been so long I don’t even know how to start, what to say. What all has happened since June 4th? So many things. And now it’s going to be 2024 in a couple weeks. What the heck. It’s been over half a year! 

Summer and autumn went by in a flash. But it was a flash I seemed to have enjoyed taking part in because the majority of my memories from those times are warm and happy. Winter has been going by in a flash, too, and has inexplicably been filled with feelings of inspiration. I say inexplicably because most winters I don’t feel very inspired. I don’t usually have many new ideas. Usually, I focus on only one or two drawings or projects that take months to complete. Like last year, when I focused primarily on Family Drawings. 

As of today, I have five different sketches prepared for five different drawings, and more sketches brewing in my mind that I have yet to bring to paper. These sketches vary in their nature, with some being simple and others being complex. But one thing they all have in common is they bring up feelings of excitement for me. Even the simplest ones do. And I think it’s because they feel so… “new.” For a couple years, I’d been working on the Taiga Series, and, while I have no intentions of moving on from this project, I realize a part of me had been needing a break from it, if anything so, when I return to it, I’ll have some new ways to depict taiga animals. I partially got that break by doing Family Drawings last year. But now I really feel like I’m getting that break, ’cause what I’m creating belongs to no project, is just something in and of itself. 

Hopefully, this means I’ll be sharing these new drawings on this blog soon! But until then, I’ll just share some drawings I’ve completed in the last 4 months…

“Dad with Pekingnese”
Graphite, 10 x 10 inches

This is the drawing of my dad I’d been working on, which I completed in early September. 

Colored pencil, 8 x 8 inches

This is a drawing I completed for my partner in November, for his birthday. 🙂

“Sun Fox” and “Baby UniFox”
Colored pencil, 3 x 4.25 inches and 4.25 x 3 inches

I went to a thrift store a few weeks ago and bought some cheap frames that I wanted to serve as inspirations for drawings. These little red frames are two of the five I bought. Since they’re red and gold, I thought a fox might be a good subject matter, and I prepared the drawings in a way where they would complement the frame. (In other words, the drawing can’t exist on its own, only with the frame.) I feel lukewarm on the result of these two, but it’s a start! I think this size frame may be a bit too small for me. Thankfully, the other frames I bought are larger and so will allow for more detail.

Alright, that’s all the art updates I’ve got for now! So I’m going to go ahead and end this blog entry, with the understanding that it may potentially be 6 more months until I update it again. And I’m going to end it with some colorful photographs of jellyfish I took in August.

Enjoy, and goodbye! 

Published by Steph Kunze


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