I tried fitting “Stargaze” into the frame I had in mind for it, but it didn’t work. The frame was too much of a light cool silver and did not look right with the tone of the graphite, which is a dark warm grey. So it’s back to the thrift stores. I’ll provide an updateContinue reading

Hello there!  It’s almost the end of January, but I still have a couple weeks of work remaining on my little lynx drawing. This makes sense. I draw slow. I thought I’d still update, though, just to provide a visual of where I’m at. :) This is the thrifted frame I’m THINKING of MAYBE going with… I won’t beContinue reading

Hello, it’s been a really, really long time. Again. It’s been so long I don’t even know how to start, what to say. What all has happened since June 4th? So many things. And now it’s going to be 2024 in a couple weeks. What the heck. It’s been over half a year!  Summer and autumn went by in a flash. But itContinue reading

Hello. 🙂 I have a lot of art projects in progress right now, and I’m kind of loving how that’s been feeling. I used to be someone who preferred to work on just one project at a time, but bouncing between different projects has felt more natural to me as of late. I like thatContinue reading

I finally finished this drawing last Saturday. I can’t seem to get ahead at all when it comes to art. Life keeps happening to me. Good things, bad things, and all the things in between good and bad. Just keeps happening to me. Those spaces of time I used to devote to creating art haveContinue reading

This is where I’m at so far with my current drawing. Getting there, ever so slowly! I wish I had something to say. But my mind has been really blank this last week. I haven’t felt motivated to put words to screen. I haven’t felt motivated to do much of anything, if I’m being honestContinue reading

Hello, I don’t know. I haven’t been writing in this blog enough, and I want to change that. I usually love to write in blogs. But for whatever reason I got caught up in a dream where that wasn’t happening. Yeah, a “dream.” So I learned something interesting about 5 months ago or so. IContinue reading

Finally finished this one. Making it was a struggle and it seems somewhat unresolved to me, but I’m still going to keep it in the series. You can’t win every time. And if I were to devote my energy to making every taiga drawing the absolute best it could possibly be, it would likely takeContinue reading

My poor blog I can tell has been collecting dust. These last few weeks have been somewhat crazy. On September 15th, a tiny wound on the back of my hand became infected. The infection seemed miniscule. I thought, “oh, I’ll just get some presciption level ointment, and it’ll pass.” But actually, it didn’t. It becameContinue reading

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