Hello there!  It’s almost the end of January, but I still have a couple weeks of work remaining on my little lynx drawing. This makes sense. I draw slow. I thought I’d still update, though, just to provide a visual of where I’m at. :) This is the thrifted frame I’m THINKING of MAYBE going with… I won’t beContinue reading

Well, I finished my skunk and got it fitted in its little thrifted frame. Here are some pictures of that process, as well as the final result! With this one, I relied less on referencing my digital collage and more on rendering a background and skunk that I felt really complemented each other. In case you’re curious,Continue reading

Here are a couple progress shots of a graphite drawing of a lynx I started. This is based off a photograph I took of one of the lynx at the Minnesota Zoo. I decided to draw this one using a grid. Using a grid is how I do the Family Drawings. For the Taiga Series, though, I’ve been optingContinue reading

Hello there! I’ve been feeling a lot better since I last wrote. I feel like I’ve woken up in some way, like there is this newfound electricity running through me. It’s a relief. I’d gotten tired of feeling tired. My Finnish class ended, which was a bummer because I really appreciated it, and I thinkContinue reading

Hello. 🙂 I have a lot of art projects in progress right now, and I’m kind of loving how that’s been feeling. I used to be someone who preferred to work on just one project at a time, but bouncing between different projects has felt more natural to me as of late. I like thatContinue reading

I just have a couple things left to do with this fabric collage experiment. One, I’m thinking I’ll add a white pattern on top of the two green side borders. Two, I’m thinking I’ll sew the whole piece onto a larger piece of mint colored fabric. It’s going to be just like a little blanket,Continue reading

I realize I closed my last blog entry with… “Will write again soon.” Oops. Well, here I am writing now. I guess I have a lot to catch up on. All the beauty and love and fun and all kinds of other things I’d been feeling has since quieted down. Life is calm, still nowContinue reading

This is where I’m at so far with my current drawing. Getting there, ever so slowly! I wish I had something to say. But my mind has been really blank this last week. I haven’t felt motivated to put words to screen. I haven’t felt motivated to do much of anything, if I’m being honestContinue reading

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